Arizona Ultra Draft Update - Draft is Tomorrow!

Posted 10-21-2023

You'll Have a New Team Soon! Tomorrow night, starting at around 9pm EST/7pm MTN, the coaches will get together and do the draft. Once the draft is complete, each team will be set and balanced and by Monday, your team chats and strategizing can begin. We will not be live streaming the draft tomorrow, so look for an update with draft results on Monday.

Coaches Needed

We have a couple more coaches needed. Would you like to draft the team and help lead them to a 'ship? Email and sign up! If we don't end up with enough coaches, we will draft a team via auto-draft and ask for a volunteer to step up and take the reins.

Complete Your Payment or Create a Plan

If you need to back out of the event, please let us know before tomorrow night. If you're receiving this email, we plan on drafting you! Get your payment in, and you'll be on a squad.

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