Networking and Single Header Leagues: 


8 Weeks, 8 Games, Guaranteed

Doubleheader Leagues: 


8 Weeks, 16 Games, Guaranteed

Jerseys included for up to 12 players ($300 value)

Registration Details

You may choose to register for this event either as a Team Coach, or as an individual player.

Team Coach: You will create a team that others can join, and have control over the roster decisions for that team. You will be responsible for paying the full team fee of $575.00 and will collect the individual player fee from your players however you choose to do so.

Player Registration: You may register for this event as an individual or as a couple. You must have an account to participate in this event. If you are already part of a team, you will be able to either select the team during registration or use a team invite code to join that roster, and you will pay your team coach for your league fee. If you do not have a team, you may sign up as an individual and the event administrator will attempt to place you on a team. All paid players will be placed, or subject to a refund if a team cannot be identified.

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